The structure of the program can be described as follows: Students must fulfill 44 credits, from which 10 credits are related to the dissertation and 34 are related to courses (16 credits from the Common Core curriculum and 18 from Specific Courses of their line of research and Elective Courses, being necessary to be fulfilled within the 3rd year of the program).
- Public Policies, Culture and Health (3 credits/45h)
Syllabus: Public Policies: concept and context; Health and Culture; Health Policy: principles, concepts and implementation support. Management and Planning at SUS - Brazilian Unified Health System. Studies and analyzes of health policies in force.
- Health Promotion (3 credits/45h)
Syllabus: Methods of knowledge production and practices involved in promoting health. Philosophical, theoretical and political perspectives in the different conceptual approaches of the area. Health Promotion and Disease Prevention.Parte inferior do formulário
- Research Project Defense (2 credits/30h)
Syllabus: Development of the research project, stages and operation. Presentation of the research projects of all students from the Graduate Program in Health Promotion – Master´s Degree and Doctorate. Guidelines for presentation of Master´s thesis and Doctorate dissertation.
- Research Seminar (2 credits/30h)
Syllabus: Analysis of scientific and technological production that is part of the line of research, considering the object of study. Elaboration and presentation of the state of art, according to the subject of individual research. Database seminars presented by Master´s Degree students, Doctorate students and alumni.
- Advanced Topics in Health Promotion (3 credits/45h)
Deepening of the interdisciplinary scientific knowledge related to the Area of Concentration and Lines of Research addressed by the Graduate Program. Questioning and discussion of theoretical and methodological content carried out through presentations and critical discussions of the topics investigated by students. Presentation of research and innovative methodological processes by professors inside and outside the program. Critical discussion of qualified scientific articles.
- Health Education: an interdisciplinary approach (3 credits/45h)
Syllabus: Theoretical-methodological and technological approach to health education. Health work process: structural and practical bases for the construction of health education strategies at work. Popular health education: diversity of knowledge and popular practices in knowledge production.
Line 1 - Lifestyle and family, school children and workers’ health
- Lifestyle and family and school children´s health (2cr/30h)
- Worker´s health (2cr/30h)
Line 2 - Human Biodynamics
- Exercise Physiology (2cr/30h)
- Nutrition and Metabolism (2cr/30h)
Line 3 – Health Surveillance
- Epidemiology (2cr/30h)
- Health Surveillance (2cr/30h)
- Global Metabolic Analysis: 2cr/30h
- Physical and Functional Assessment and Rehabilitation: 2cr/30h
- Bases, Methods and Techniques in Molecular Biology: 2cr/30h
- Development and Aging Biology: 2cr/30h
- Molecular Epidemiology: 2cr/30h
- Genomic and Nutrigenomic Stability: 2cr/30h
- Cardiopulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology: 2cr/30h
- Introduction to Advanced Biostatistics: 2cr/30h
- Interdisciplinarity in Mental Health Promotion and Prevention: 2cr/30h
- Qualitative Methods in Research Practices: 2cr/30h
- Higher Education Pedagogy: 2cr/30h
- Integrative and Complementary Health Practices: 2cr/30h
- Scientific Writing: 2cr/30h
- Diagnostic Tests and Diagnosis in Population: 2cr/30h
- Topics in Biostatistics: 2cr/30h
Total - Doctorate Courses
(34 credits in courses + 10 credits on Dissertation: total: 44 credits/660 hours)
*Other mandatory activities:
- Proficiency in English Language and another Foreign Language;
- Qualifying Exam.
Classes Schedule
- Thursdays – afternoon, evening, Fridays – morning, afternoon and evening, and some Saturdays.
Master´s Degree
The structure of the program can be described as follows: Total of 30 credits (450 hours), being one credit equivalent to 15 hours. In order to obtain 30 credits, students must fulfill 6 credits related to the elaboration and approval of the thesis and 24 credits related to courses, which 14 credits are from the Common Core curriculum.
- Public Policies, Culture and Health (3credits/45h)
Syllabus: Public Policies: concept and context; Health and Culture; Health Policy: principles, concepts and implementation support. Management and Planning at SUS - Brazilian Unified Health System. Studies and analyzes of health policies in force.
- Health Promotion (3credits/45h)
Syllabus: Methods of knowledge production and practices involved in promoting health. Philosophical, theoretical and political perspectives in the different conceptual approaches of the area. Health Promotion and Disease Prevention.Parte inferior do formulário
- Research Project Defense (2credits/30h)
Syllabus: Development of the research project, stages and operation. Presentation of the research projects of all students from the Graduate Program in Health Promotion – Master´s Degree and Doctorate. Guidelines for presentation of Master´s thesis and Doctorate dissertation.
- Research Seminar (2credits/30h)
Syllabus: Analysis of scientific and technological production that is part of the line of research, considering the object of study. Elaboration and presentation of the state of art, according to the subject of individual research. Database seminars presented by Master´s Degree students, Doctorate students and alumni.
- Research Methods applied to the field of health (2 credits/30h)
Syllabus: Basic aspects of planning, the interdisciplinary issue, carrying out and analysis of scientific studies in relation to health promotion. Qualitative and quantitative methods and their applications.
Line 1 - Lifestyle and family, school children and workers’ health
- Lifestyle and family and school children´s health (2 credits/30h)
Syllabus: Determinants of family's lifestyle and health; pedagogical and scientific dimensions of education related to health promotion; daily habits; culture of movement, food and prevention of disease risk factors in the Basic Education curriculum proposal.
- Worker´s health (2 credits/30h)
Syllabus: Study of the different dimensions that are part of the worker's health scenario, focusing on health, injuries and the vulnerabilities at individual and collective levels scope, in production relations.
Line 2 - Human Biodynamics
- Exercise Physiology (2 credits/30h)
Syllabus: Study of the exercise physiology, energy metabolism, physiology of neuromuscular, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Cardiorespiratory assessment methods and strategies associated to the perspective of new paths in health promotion actions.
- Nutrition and Metabolism (2 credits/30h)
Syllabus: Study of nutrients, emphasizing digestion, absorption, metabolism and their different pathways of action in the body, in addition to their food sources and nutritional recommendations at different stages of human life. Recent results of studies related to energy, control and structural metabolism, to water and electrolytes, to dietary antioxidants and to nutrient bioavailability.
Line 3 – Health Surveillance
- Epidemiology (2 credits/30h)
Syllabus: History, concepts and uses of Epidemiology. Causality in epidemiology. Descriptive and analytical steps of an epidemiological study. Frequency, incidence and prevalence measures. Types of study: ecological, transversal, cases and controls, longitudinal. Demographics applied to health: demographic and epidemiological transition. Effect measures. Bias. Health Information Systems. Health indicators. Properties of diagnostic tests. Vulnerability and health inequalities. Epidemiology in the assessment of health policies.
- Health Surveillance (2 credits/30h)
Syllabus: History and concepts. National Health Surveillance System. Epidemiological surveillance of communicable diseases. Epidemiological surveillance of chronic non-communicable diseases. Environmental health surveillance. Health surveillance information systems and analysis of health situation. National Public Health Laboratory System, Public health laboratory network: scope, laboratories.
- Global Metabolic Analysis (2 credits/30h)
Syllabus: Metabolomics and Proteomics. Specific and global markers in health metabolic analysis. Methods and strategies of global metabolic analysis. Global metabolic analysis in epidemiological studies aimed at diagnosis and health prevention. Parte inferior do formulário
- Physical and Functional Assessment and Rehabilitation (2 credits/30h)
Syllabus: Morphological, functional and cardiorespiratory assessment. Study of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary action in the process of physical and functional rehabilitation.
- Bases, Methods and Techniques in Molecular Biology (2 credits/30h)
Syllabus: Aspects related to the cellular and molecular processes of cells. Principles of the different methodological tools that assist the investigation of molecular biology. Identification of technical options appropriate for different types of biological samples. Rules of conduct and safety in the molecular biology laboratory. DNA extraction. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Electrophoresis. Sequencing. Study of polymorphisms.
- Development and Aging Biology (2 credits/30h)
Syllabus: Morphophysiological, cellular and molecular aspects of development and senescence, with emphasis on the associated pathological processes (teratogenesis, carcinogenesis and degenerative diseases).
- Molecular Epidemiology (2 credits/30h)
Syllabus: Use of epidemiology concepts in data generated from molecular techniques. Use of molecular epidemiology for tracking transmission sources, controlling the spread of pathogens of public health concern. Main molecular techniques for typing microorganisms, advantages and limitations. Validation of molecular methods for application in molecular epidemiology: typeability, repeatability, reproducibility, discriminatory power, genetic stability and epidemiological agreement. Interpretation of results.
- Genomic and Nutrigenomic Stability (2 credits/30h)
Syllabus: General aspects about the metabolism of genetic material, DNA damage and repair, fundamental aspects of the relationship between diet and nutrients, genotoxins and lifestyle influence on the homeostasis of genetic material.
- Cardiopulmonary Physiology and Pathophysiology (2 credits/30h)
Syllabus: Physiological behavior of the heart pump and the respiratory system. Integration between cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Diseases and disorders that affect the cardiac, vascular and pulmonary system.
- Introduction to Advanced Biostatistics (2 credits/30h)
Syllabus: Introduction to biostatistics. Population and sample. Hypothesis testing. Databases. Descriptive statistics (measures of central tendency and dispersion). Normal Distribution. Parametric and non-parametric statistical analysis. Chi-square test. Correlation and linear regression. Sample size estimates.
- Interdisciplinarity in Mental Health Promotion and Prevention (2 credits/30h)
Syllabus: Historical and philosophical foundations in the field of mental health; public policies, management and contemporary mental health practices; cultural and psychosocial aspects in the processes of illness and mental health; interdisciplinarity from the perspective of attention, care and rehabilitation in mental health. Integrative and complementary health practices.
- Qualitative Methods in Research Practices (2 credits/30h)
Syllabus: Qualitative and quantitative research: approaches, specificities, complementarities. The qualitative research process: definition of the theme, guiding questions, objectives, theoretical support, methodological path, the investigative process, analysis and discussion of research data. Types of studies: life stories, narratives, case studies, participant observation, cartography. Interviews, groups, documents, images. Content analysis, speech analysis.
- Higher Education Pedagogy (2 credits/30h)
Syllabus: Concept, learning and development - different approaches on to the construction of knowledge in the complex and interdisciplinary relationship - health, environment and education; multiple intelligences, longitudinal psychomotricity. Planning process, active methodologies, dialectic methodology, teaching techniques, learning assessment. Verbal communication, posture and audiovisual materials.
- Integrative and Complementary Health Practices (2 credits/30h)
Syllabus: Fundamentals of integrative and complementary health practices, emphasizing strategies for use in the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) and techniques in the field of health promotion.
- Scientific Writing (2 credits/30h)
Syllabus: The scientific article. Types of articles. The scientific text. Storage and dissemination of scientific information. Impact and visibility. Visual communication (Preparation and formatting of tables and figures). How to write a scientific article. Bibliographic reference software. Submission, follow-up and response to reviewers. Ethics, rights and permissions. Preparation of systematic review.
- Diagnostic Tests and Diagnosis in Population (2 credits/30h)
Syllabus: Definition of diagnosis, types of diagnostic methods (direct and indirect): characteristics, applications, limitations and advantages. Diagnostic sensitivity and specificity. Analytical sensitivity and specificity. Positive predictive value and negative predictive value. Reliability and validity.
- Topics in Biostatistics (2 credits/30h)
Syllabus: Multivariate data analysis. Multiple linear regression. Methods of data compression. Factorial analysis. Pre-processing of samples and variables. Exploratory analysis: Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA); Principal Component Analysis (PCA); Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). Correspondence analysis. Regression Analysis: Partial Least Squares (PLS). Principal Component Regression (PCR). Classification methods: Nearest neighbor method, Independent Modeling of Class Analogy (SIMCA), Discriminant Analysis by Partial Least Squares (PLS-DA). Applications in clinical case studies.
*Other mandatory activities:
- Proficiency in English Language;
- Thesis Pre-Defense
- Qualifying Exam