Master’s Degree
Operating Standards
The operating standards of the Master’s Degree program may be accessed through its Regiment. However, it is important to highlight three phases considered imperative for the improvement and monitoring of the program.
- Selection Process
Candidates will be selected by a selection committee, following criteria previously established in a public notice designed by the Program’s coordination committee. The selection process involves the following steps:
- Written test
- Analysis of the résumé of each applicant
- Interview
- Second Language Proficiency
After enrolling for the Master’s program, students must show they are fluent in one of the following languages: Spanish, English, French, German or Italian – Being fluent in one of these languages is a pre-requisite before presenting the thesis project, which must take place before the third semester.
III. Obtaining a Master’s Degree in Law
In order to be awarded with a Master’s Degree in Law, students must successfully accomplish 30 credits and show proof of proficiency in one of the languages mentioned above.
Overall Picture of the Program
Field of Concentration
Social Rights and Public Policies
Lines of Research
- Social Integration Policies
- Contemporary Constitutionalism
Basic Courses (8 credits)
Research and Teaching Methodology (2 credits) This course is intended to address the assumptions of science and legal education, from the development and reflection of associated content to the specificities of research, epistemology and teaching in the social sciences and law area.The plans are also to work with aspects involving the link between epistemological assumptions and theoretical assumptions to investigate and teach about social rights and public policies, as well as the elements and scientific techniques as instrumentals for both, making the graduate student able to comply adequately with their activities throughout the course and the writing of the thesis, preparing them at the same time, to act as a teacher.
- Dr. Mônia Clarissa Hennig Leal
Theory of Law (2 credits) The course aims to address the main legal currents that influence the modern and contemporary legal thought, in order to prepare students for critical understanding of the legal phenomenon and its implications on the current legal practice.
- Dr. Caroline Muller Bitencourt
State and Public Administration (2 credits) The course aims to develop research into the causes and vectors that give rise to the current national administrative policy framework, particularly in the management of public interest on the jurisdiction of the State Administrator, checking their roles and challenges in terms of finding solutions to social demands, and propose new instruments and mechanisms for political and legal intervention in these scenarios, guided by democratic principles and social justice.
- Dr. Rogério Gesta Leal
Human and Fundamental Rights (2 credits) The theoretical object of concern that is intended to be developed in this course is confront issues involving the state, the law, human and fundamental rights, and democracy, in a multidisciplinary, historical and critical perspective, highlighting how such issues are presented in the country today.
- Dr. Clóvis Gorczevski
Concentration Courses (12 credits in each line)
Social Integration Policies
Management of Public Policies (2 credits) The course aims to provide students an understanding of the conceptual aspects that involve the term public policy, the elements involved in the creation and implementation of government policies and the identification of relevant actors in the space of political decisions.
- Dr. João Pedro Schmidt
Theories of Contemporary Politics (2 credits) The course addresses contemporary concept of politics, notably through the analysis of power and the question of democracy, seeing how they are inserted, mainly, in the Brazilian scene. Therefore, it will cover traditional and contemporary epistemological and reflexive assumptions.
- Dr. André Viana Custódio
Citizenship and Public Space (2 credits) The theme that is addressed in this course creates opportunities for a critical view of paradigms in the context of contemporary social relations, involving Law, Public Space and Citizenship, with special emphasis on the participation ofcitizens in the processes of constitution of Brazilian politics.
- Dr. Marli Marlene Moraes da Costa
Local Authority and Social Integration (2 credits) The course aims to discuss the possibilities of local power build a space for the construction of a new relationship between the state public space and the society, from a logic of (re)foundation of the State, based on effective integration between State and Society in the process of setting and implementation of public policies.
- Dr. Ricardo Hermany
Tax and Financial Policies (2 credits) The course addresses the issue of the new tax system introduced by the Brazilian Constitutional System, especially in the face of tax constitutional principles, verifying how this situation impacts the tax and non-tax features of taxes. Alongside this, it intends to investigate the possibilities of using taxes in a dimension of social policies which can contribute in the realization of fundamental rights and guarantees.
- Dr. Hugo Thamir Rodrigues
Public Policies in dealing with conflicts (2 credits) The course aims to define and discuss the performance of the state's judicial function, then identify treatment strategies that open the view of the complexity of contemporary social conflicts, proposing a model of approach of these conflicts, seated in a democratic perspective and in the direction of consensus.
- Dr. Fabiana Marion Spengler
Contemporary Constitutionalism
Constitutional Jurisdiction (2 credits) The theoretical object of concern that is intended to be developed in this course aims to challenge topics that enable the understanding of the meaning of contemporary constitutionalism, understood as the constitutionalism of the Democratic State by Law, which all evidence implies the necessary understanding of the relationship between the constitution and constitutional jurisdiction.
- Dr. Mônia Clarissa Hennig Leal
Equality and Freedom in Contracts related to Labor Law (2 credits) (This course aims to examine the various formulations of the ideals of equality and freedom, co-related into the labor law sphere, especially within the modern constitutional democracies and from the standpoint of the capitalist mode of production. In particular, it examines the theoretical propositions meant for overcoming actual antinomies and the apparent antinomy between the Principle of Equality and the Principle of Freedom, in face of the contracts that have the subordinate work as purpose, taking here the work as a driver agent of social inclusion. In addition to the doctrinaire approach, this course proposes to examine court cases and aspects of local and international legislation. In this course, the theoretical reference composite will have as epistemological basis the Theory of Legal Argumentation.)
- Dr. Suzete da Silva Reis
Fundamental Rights in Information Society (2 credits) This course aims to examine the Fundamental Rights in the Information Society, that is, from its insertion in both Social Rights and Public Policy and Contemporary Constitutionalism research fields, analyze the historical, theoretical construction and practice of the so-called Information Society, contextualizing the various legal and interdisciplinary nuances related to it, in a critical perspective, solid theoretical and purposeful basis.
- Dr. Luiz Gonzaga Silva Adolfo
Constitutionalization of Private Law (2 credits) This course aims to define the study of the constitutionalization of private law proceedings, questioning the traditional distinction between public law and private law, as well as between this phenomenon and the Publicization of Private Law.
- Dr. Jorge Renato dos Reis
Constitutional Fundaments of Public Services (2 credits) The course aims to present, discuss and offer a critique of the particular conception of the constitutional ordering of economic life, which is, the one that distinguishes two legal categories of economic activity from a dichotomy that separates the art. 173 and 175 of the Federal Constitution ("public services" x "economic activities in strict sense"). In particular, it will explore the topic from the perspective of the energy industry, with particular reference to the energy sector.
- Dr. Janriê Rodrigues Reck
Theories of Democracy and Constitutionalism (2 credits) This course aims to analyze the spaces of social participation and representation that liberal, participatory and deliberative democracy open in order to evaluate the democratization of public policies management).
- Dr. Denise Bitencourt Friedrich
Elective Courses (2 credits)
Seminars (previously approved by the student’s advisor) Seminars address contemporary and emerging issues, related to the research fields of the program, with the attendance of local and international visiting professors.
- Courses (previously approved by the student’s advisor)
Research and Supervision Seminars (2 credits) permanent activity throughout the semesters of the program.
- Ongoing activities
Presentation of the Thesis Project (2 credits)
- Thesis Project must be presented to an examining board (before the end of the second semester)
Thesis (4 credits)
- Writing the Thesis (under advisor’s supervision)