The Graduate Program - Professional Master’s Degree in Psychology of UNISC aims at qualifying professionals of Psychology, professionals in the field of Health, Human Sciences and Applied Social Sciences, to innovate and produce new technologies in the field of Psychology. Based on that, the aim is to train a professional able to suggest creative ways to solve problems and face challenges in different workplaces.
The program brings together undergraduate degree holders from different programs and, in an interdisciplinary perspective, it aims to articulate clinical and social practices, public policies, organizations and culture with a focus on mental health. Therefore, the Professional Master's degree emphasizes studies and techniques aimed at performing at (a high level of professional qualification performance, in addition to qualifying for teaching.
The professional to be trained will meet the necessary skills and competencies to design and develop practices in the area of prevention, promotion and intervention in mental health and its interfaces with the social, political and institutional fields.
PPGPsi students, with intervention and research projects focused on the regional reality and the demands of services, institutions and organizations, will make possible the qualification of their practices in mental health, expanding community insertion.
Thus, the communitarian engagement of the university and the actions carried out by the Psychology professors of UNISC, justify the choice of the Program's CONCENTRATION AREA in “MENTAL HEALTH AND SOCIAL PRACTICES”.