
Master’s Degree in Industrial Systems And Processes

The Graduate Program in Industrial Systems and Processes– Master’s Degree is a two- year degree. The first year is divided into 4 quarters and focuses on completing all course credits. The second year focuses on the development of the thesis. Selection processes are held once a year, in the beginning of the year. Courses are offered in the mornings, afternoons or evenings, preferably on Thursdays (evening), Fridays (evening and afternoon) and Saturdays (morning).

There are three groups of courses outlined in this program: Mandatory, Basic Training and Elective, following to the information below:



Mandatory Courses

Research Methods and Techniques (30 hours)- Scientific knowledge and research, theory and research, the object problem of research, hypothesis formulation and analytical variables. Research tools. Scientific studies: Types, characteristics and structural composition. Scientific research. Qualitative and Quantitative Research. Planning a research project.

Industrial Systems and Processes (30 hours) - Analytical Technology of Industrial Processes; Innovation and Technology in Industrial Systems and Processes; Industrial Process Management.

Research Seminar on Analytical Technology of Industrial Processes (50 hours)

Research Seminar on Innovations and Technologies in Industrial Systems and Processes (50 hours)

Research Seminar on Industrial Processes Management (50 hours)

Master’s Project (30 hours)

Thesis Presentation (30 hours)


Elective Courses

Multivariate Analysis (30 hours) - Exploratory analysis: analysis of principal components (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA). Univariate regression. Residue analysis. Multivariate regression: Multiple linear regression (MLR), principal component regression (PCR) and partial least squares regression (PLS). Applications of multivariate analysis to industrial problems.

Green Technologies (30 hours) - Social organizations and environmentally impacting actions; natural resources limitations; thermodynamics and environmental pollution; renewable energy; energy storage and recovery; separation processes; development of production processes; green waste remediation; environmental instruments and regulations; the economy of environmentally sustainable processes; environmental market; environmental labels.
Data Mining applied to Knowledge Management (30 hours) Process of knowledge discovery in databases. Presentation of concepts and applications related to Data Mining applied to Business Intelligence. Basic concepts about Database and Data Warehouse.

Process Simulation (30 hours) Introduction to simulation. Principles of modeling. Techniques of representation for simulation models. Language applied on simulation and simulators. Implementation, validation and verification of models. Practical projects simulation in industrial environments.
Supply Chain Management and Logistics (30 hours) - Introduction to SCM; Value flow through the supply network; Customer focus supported by the manufacturing network; Logistics and services; Supply chain elements; Flexibility in the logistics process; Demand management; Introduction to logistics; Loss of value in the flow of logistics and manufacturing; Distribution and routing logistics; Software programs in logistics.

Process Management (30 hours) Concept of Processes. Traditional view x View for Processes. Key steps in Business Process Management. Analysis and improvement: Significant Changes. Processes permeability. Introduction to production systems and systemic approach. Productivity and Sustainability: Production System of integrated manufacturing (tools, principles and techniques). Benchmarking of production systems. Systemic diagnosis and productive system. Mapping the value stream. Value Chain. Case study.

Smart Instrumentation in Industry (30 hours) - Intelligent Sensors. Sensors with Artificial Intelligence. Data Communication with Intelligent Sensors.

Multi-criteria Decision Methods (30 hours) - Basic decision model, Elements of the decision-making process, classification of discrete decision methods, Regarding to the scenario, Regarding to the number of criteria, Regarding to the type of decision. Multi-decision and multi-criteria methods: historical evolution. Edge and Condorcet methods: multi-decision and multi-criteria. Voting systems. Contrast: subordination x compensation. Multi-criteria methods. Criticism of the use (and misuse) of multi-criteria decision-making methods.

Image Processing (30 hours) Filtering techniques study, segmentation and classification of objects.

Embedded Systems (30 hours) Methodologies to assist the production of embedded systems. Prototyping notions. Real-time systems. Integrated software and hardware design. Case studies using microcontrollers, FPGAs and specific platforms and software for embedded systems.

Smart Systems for Industrial Automation (30 hours) Introduction to smart systems. Knowledge management (decision, purchase, forms of representation, heuristics). Knowledge-based systems (expert systems). Trends: smart agent systems. Fuzzy systems applied to process control. Industrial applications.

Special topics: Industrial Planning (30 hours) Strategic systems planning; success and failure in systems; creative work; context of change; decision-making process; strategy formulation; business planning; business strategies; steps for an industrial enterprise; Project Management in production factors; characterization of the production process; Multiple production and efficiency actions, industrial layout; safety planning and industrial standardization.


Course Information

Students must complete 24 credits in courses related to their Graduate Program and 04 credits in Thesis related courses, following the information below:

  • Mandatory Courses: Students must complete Research Seminar Courses – one credit and Research Methods and Techniques – 2 credits.
  • Basic Courses: Students must complete at least three of these courses, numbering 9 credits.
  • Elective Courses: students must complete at least four courses from this core during the second and third quarters, according to the line of research they are following, numbering twelve credits.


In order to do justice to the 04 credits related to the Final Paper, students must:

  • Present their project, totaling 2 credits;
  • Having their Master's Degree thesis approved, totaling two credits.