Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná – UNIOESTE (Brazil)
The partnership with UNIOESTE happens through the Graduate Program in Regional Development and Agribusiness – Master´s Degree and Doctorate. It is reached by the exchange of professors in boards of Thesis and Dissertation Defense, post-doctoral internship, joint research, joint articles and books publishing, and Master´s Degree and Doctorate courses with the presence of students of both Programs.
Universidade de Blumenau – FURB (Brazil)
The partnership with FURB exists for many years, being it reached by the exchange of professors for courses, seminars, lectures, Master´s Degree and Doctorate boards, and post-doctoral internship. Besides that, publishing, research projects and extension actions have also been developed together. The agreement was formalized in 2017, but the integration and exchange between the Programs were already esaccordionlished since the late 1990s. Since 2017, both institutions, together with the Universität Innsbruck - Austria, carry out the Winter School.
Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul – UNIJUÍ (Brazil)
The Graduate Program in Regional Development (in Portuguese PPGDR) - UNISC and the Graduate Program in Regional Development – Master´s Degree and Doctorate – UNIJUÍ have shared exchange actions for several years. The activities carried out by both institutions encompass joint research projects, joint advising, participation of professors in Master´s Degree and Doctorate boards, articles and books joint publishing, joint participation in activities developed by the Regional Development Observatory (in Portuguese ObservaDR), among others. Joint research projects as “Planejamento e Desenvolvimento Regional no Rio Grande do Sul: uma análise da experiência recente dos Conselhos Regionais de Desenvolvimento - COREDEs-RS” (Planning and Regional Development in Rio Grande do Sul: analysis of a recent experience of the Regional Development Councils – COREDEs-RS) have been emphasized. The partnership agreement was formalized in 2016, making official a relationship that has long started between both programs.
Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina – UNOESC (Brazil)
Although the inter-institutional agreement was formalized in 2016, the partnership with the Graduate Program in Business Administration – Professional Master´s Degree of UNOESC exists for at least one decade. It happens through the exchange of professors for post-doctoral internship, participation in Master´s Degree and Doctorate boards, lectures in seminars at both institutions, and joint research projects. Emphasis is given to the joint project “Agroindústrias familiares e a dinâmica territorial: um estudo comparativo entre a região do Vale do Rio Pardo/RS e a região do Oeste Catarinense/SC – Brasil” (Family agribusiness and the territorial dynamics: a comparative study between Rio Pardo Valley/RS and the western region of the state of Santa Catarina – Brazil).
Universidade de Taubaté – UNITAU (Brazil)
The cooperation actions with the Graduate Program in Planning and Regional Development - Universidade de Taubaté started in the beginning of May 2016, as a result of the arrangements for the creation of an Inter-institutional Doctorate (in Portuguese DINTER) of PPGDR - UNISC at PPGDR – UNITAU, which is scheduled for 2018. In addition, the partnership has happened through exchange of professors for boards and lectures, participation of PPGDR – UNITAU in the Regional Development Observatory (in Portuguese ObservaDR), among other activities.